Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Quick Update

This is just a quick update for the time being. there might be more later, but I don't know yet. Mostly, I wanted to talk about my little experiment with Anki today. It's not so much trying to use Anki in a new way, it's more just a new way for me. Instead of doing my normal huge set of reps at one time, I'm turning today's reviews into ten reps every ten minutes. Short, winnable games, as per AJATT. If it really works for my memory (and getting through the mega-review I've had brewing), I may continue to do it with all future reviews.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Update 10/3/09

I got sick over the weekend, so I haven't really been working on anything lately. Also, we've been doing spring cleaning around my apartment, so even if I wanted to do much, I couldn't :D
Still, that said, my listening time has gone waaaay up. While I've been giving Kanji a rest, I've been moving up to nearly 7 or more hours listening a day.
Tomorrow, I'm going to try and timebox out my mega-review that's been brewing as a result of not doing Anki reps for 5 days.
And, even though I'm sick, I think I'll go ahead and get a workout (I'm not 100% yet, but I am closer to well than I was just yesterday).