Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Workout Day 3

This is the third consecutive day I've worked out. Before now, if I did work out, it was sporadic, but not anymore. From now on, I'm going to try and workout just about every day. Tomorrow being Christmas, I will make an exception, but come Thursday, it's back to the gym. Another good thing is I'm drinking more water... in fact, I've only had water or milk since Monday evening. As for what I'm doing, these past three days have been a mix of cardio and weights, with some crunches thrown in to try and defeat my belly. But I think I'm going to start doing weights every other day, just because I've noticed that doing weights every day (and this has only been three days) makes it harder to do them the following day, which I guess means I need to let my muscles rest. I'm still going to do cardio every day, but it seems that mostly works my legs. So I'm also going to do crunches every day, but I'm going to try and do more, spaced throughout the day.

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