Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Long Time Coming

No joke. It's been nearly two months since my last post. Being in college, I don't have too terribly much time on my hand... so I kind of let this slip. In fact, I've let a lot of things slip. For one, I have to come clean. My workouts... pretty much stopped once I hit school again. Tomorrow, I think I'm going back to the gym though. I know since I've quit my workouts that I feel a lot worse for it, not to mention, I've likely gained back most of the weight I did lose over the break. Still, I have at least slightly improved my eating habits, and am working to more thoroughly enjoy things not of the greasy or sugar-laden variety. In addition, though I stopped my Heisig Kanji reviews, I've got them underway again... for one, it's easier just to start from one and let the reviews come naturally. The way I was going about it, I was trying to study this big chunk at one time, instead of letting things come in with a smaller limit... I'm actually farther now in considerably less time (tonight I went to 350 Kanji in about 16 days of doing Heisig again). Another thing is, I'm steadily working towards a more complete Japanese listening environment. At the moment, I have around 3 hours of Japanese language audio on my mp3 player. Otherwise, I've listened to instrumental music only in the last few days. Also, I have access to monolingual dictionaries, and more audio if I want it. I think I'll probably be done, or nearly done with Kanji sometime around May or June, and at that point hit the sentences phase according to AJATT (I would do Kana... but I kind of already know them, and can't unlearn them to relearn them @_@). Also, I plan to do a study abroad trip around spring of next year through the next fall, unless something comes up. I think I'll set that time as my goal for at least a decent level of conversation, and work to near-native/fully native fluency while there.
Finally, my conlang... has had no work done to it as of late... I'm just kind of too busy working on projects for classes, Japanese, or hanging out with friends to work on it. Really, I think I want to get fluent in a language lots of people speak (Japanese) before I worry about something that basically only I will speak.

1 comment:

  1. We could just drop you in the middle of Jamaica, they eat mostly fruit and seafood there according to my mom.
